From age 12 to age 17, I spent every possible moment on a skateboard. It was more than a hobby; it was a lifestyle. It kept me out of a lot of trouble and played a big role in forming who I am today. One of the terms that was born out of that culture […]
If we are going to experience the fruit of “focus” to any degree, we have to learn to say “no” appropriately. That’s no big news to you, is it? For most of us, it’s easier said than done. So, let my next few sentences be added encouragement and a reminder to you to develop your
In a recent post, we talked about the tension that “piles” create. We acknowledged that, for many of us, processing inputs (physical, email, text messages, etc.) were a necessary part of the work that we do. When we see all those emails in our inbox, we start to freak out because we don’t know what unfinished
I don’t read many blog posts from guys about their clothes. But my closet gets crazy…fast……and it bothers me. I’m not exactly sure how it happens. I’m not the “Let’s go shopping” type. But I have 2 guesses… At least part of the cause of the constant stream of clothes into my closet and drawers is that
What we say affects our kids…probably more than we’d like to admit. It’s quite possible that, when my kids become adults, they will sit at a friend’s house (or a counselor’s office) and talk about something that I did that they “couldn’t stand”. I’m sure I have already made and will continue to make mistakes
Life is short. Four times, in the past seven days, I’ve been reminded that our days are limited. I know it’s heavy, but it’s something that we have to think about on occasion. If you think about it all the time, you can become depressed. If you never think about it, you may find that
Sometimes, books come into your life at just the right moment and make a significant difference that lasts for years. You may or may not be able to explain why it was so. Whatever the reason, they just affect you more profoundly than the average book. Today, I heard the news that Stephen R. Covey passed